Group Offering: Substance Abuse Group for Woman | Group Therapy for Seniors 65+ | Adult 12 Week DBT Skills Group

Kimberly Eagle, LPCC

You are here, reading this, because of your courage. Recognizing it’s time to make changes is the first, most important step, and I commend you. Despite what social media would have us believe, no one’s life is perfect. We all face challenges that keep us from living our most authentic lives. Therapy is a sacred space where fears and pain are seen with compassion and without judgment. It is an opportunity to explore the thoughts and behaviors that are holding you back and to connect with your strengths in order to create your best life. To be your true self.

Even if we have close friends and supportive families it’s often hard to be really honest about our struggles, be they; depression, anxiety, relationship problems, past or present trauma or substance use that has become out of control. I have experience with all of these issues and more. My aim is to create a safe comfortable space where you can be real and explore your patterns at your own pace.

Honor Heindl, LCSW


My life mantra is to use words, art, and movement to build bridges, tear down walls, tend to wounds, empower individuals, and eradicate loneliness and shame. My clinical career has ranged from working in refugee resettlement, schools, and nonprofit mental health agencies to responding to 911 behavioral-health calls alongside law enforcement as part of the Mobile Crisis Team and conducting assessments in emergency departments. I am an EMDR-trained therapist and specialize in trauma recovery and reconciliation. There is no single intervention that works for everyone, so I pull from different theoretical frameworks and evidence-based modalities to help you heal and build your own self-care toolbox.

My hope for you is that you find spaces where every part of you is welcome. Therapy can be a safe, nonjudgmental place to explore what is preventing you from finding wholeness. In my experience, so much of our suffering stems from disconnection. I want to help you find freedom from whatever is keeping you captive, whether it’s self-doubt, trauma, suicide, shame, internalized oppression, anxiety, depression, isolation, interpersonal conflict, grief/loss, or something else.

Paula Martell, LPCC


“All roads lead to Rome”. I’m sure you have heard that expression. It’s one I use a lot in my sessions. It means different paths can take one to the same goal. There are many reasons for wanting to get into therapy. There are many forms of therapy that lead to healing, and there are many different understandings of what “healing” means. To me, healing is mostly about becoming one with ourselves, maybe for the first time.

My specialization in therapy is trauma and addiction. Often, a common road to addictions is having a history of trauma. A goal in healing involves movement toward abstinence from the substance or process, reducing the internal pain that drives us away from ourselves and others, and learning how to safely rejoin ourselves and others.

Michele Donovan, LCSW

Just by showing up and reading this, you are brave! Looking for help isn’t always easy, but if any of the following resonates with you, I believe I can help! Do you find yourself feeling stuck in negative repetitive patterns? Overwhelmed and confused? Experiencing anxiety and/or depression and wanting more out of life but not sure how to get there. I know life can feel like an uphill battle at times, but you don’t have to figure it out alone. I can support you through the challenging and confusing parts of your journey and share in the celebration of your successes in personal growth along the way.

Erika Martinez-Gonzales, LPCC

Is trauma informing you? Are you making choices in your life that you know are just not good for you? Do you want to change old negative patterns in your life or deal with ongoing anxiety or depression that feels like it is taking over your life? Is your relationship struggling? Change is possible. Working together we will identify patterns of behavior that are causing distress in your life and create a path forward where you will develop an understanding of yourself and how you got here, self-compassion for what you have gone through and healing so you can let go and confidently move forward knowing you now have the skills to take care of yourself.