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Here’s How Counseling Can Help You Overcome Depression

Are you suffering from depression and unsure of where to turn for help?

If so, you’re certainly not alone. Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders, affecting 6.7% of the adult population in the US. This adds up to more than 16 million American adults.

While many people take prescription medications to help treat their depression, counseling can also help. How can counseling for depression be beneficial?

Check out this guide to discover how counseling can help you overcome your depression.

See Your Thoughts from a Different Perspective

Oftentimes, those who suffer from depression are inundated with negative, harmful thoughts.

By verbalizing your thoughts and emotions to your counselor, you’ll be able to see things from a new perspective, instead of just being stuck in the thought pattern your mind has created.

Sharing your thoughts with your counselor will also allow you to consider what their view is, which can then give you a new way to look at your problems. In some cases, patients with depression discover that their negative self-talk isn’t really founded in anything factual. Or, some find that what they thought was a huge issue was really nothing to worry about.

For many people, this can provide a huge relief.

It Provides a Cathartic Experience

If you’re someone who tends to bottle up your emotions, counseling can give you an outlet to purge all of those pent up emotions.

Oftentimes, the simple act of releasing your emotions is enough, as such a release can feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. This is especially true for those who aren’t used to sharing their emotions with others.

You’ll Feel Less Alone With Your Problems

Oftentimes, those with depression feel like no one else in the world understands what they’re going through.

Being able to open up to a complete stranger, who doesn’t know you and won’t judge, can often give you the freedom you need to talk about things you normally wouldn’t share with your family or friends. This can be immensely helpful in helping those with depression feel less alone and less isolated in their suffering.

Gives You Time to Confront Your Feelings

From the moment we wake up until the moment we fall asleep, our attention is pulled in a million different directions.

Most of us are so busy that we can rarely afford the time to sit down and process our feelings. Counseling allows you to set aside time each week to confront your issues and your symptoms of depression.

While some people find that setting aside personal time to meditate or journal each week is helpful, oftentimes, it takes an appointment with another person to make sure you follow through with this commitment to yourself.

Additionally, you’re less likely to be distracted when sitting face to face with another person and confronting your feelings.

Makes it Easier to Cope With Everyday Life

Those who suffer from depression often find it hard to just get through the day.

If you’re struggling to cope with everyday life, counseling may be able to help. During counseling sessions, you’re able to unload your emotions and talk about what’s bothering you. By dropping this emotional weight, it becomes easier to cope with everyday life.

Also, just knowing that you have someone to talk to can be a huge source of comfort for those who are depressed and trying to just take things day by day.

Gain More Self-Awareness

By examining your emotions with another person, you’re able to see yourself from the outside. This typically results in a heightened sense of self-awareness.

The more self-awareness you have, the easier it becomes to process your emotions in the future, as you realize what emotions, thoughts, and feelings serve you and which ones do not.

Improve Your Entire Well-Being

When most people talk about the benefits of counseling, they focus on the ways it can benefit your mental well-being.

However, it’s important to remember that our mental and physical well-being is extremely interconnected. Oftentimes, when people improve their mental health, they realize that their physical health follows suit.

As a result of counseling, you may experience higher energy levels, sounder sleep, and a better appetite. An improvement in physical health can, in turn, lead to an improvement in your symptoms of depression.

You Can Choose a Counseling Style According to Your Needs

Another major benefit of counseling is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. In addition to having many different counselors to choose from, there are also many different kinds of therapies you can try out to fight your depression.

Some of the most common types of therapies for depression include:

Interpersonal Therapy

This type of therapy focuses on how your relationship with others plays a role in your depression.

This type of therapy focuses on practical issues and how to recognize unhealthy behaviors and change them.

Family Therapy

Those who are diagnosed with depression aren’t the only ones who are affected by the disorder. If you’re suffering from depression, your family members and those close to you will feel it too.

This type of therapy is a great way for your family members to learn what they’re going through.

Group Counseling

Group counseling gives you an opportunity to meet other people who are going through the same thing you are.

During group therapy, you have the chance to share your experience, strategies, and stories.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This type of therapy focuses on how your thoughts and behaviors contribute to your depression. Your therapist will coach you on ways to react to your thoughts and challenge your preconceptions.

EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing.

During this type of therapy, you relieve triggering and traumatic experiences that may be contributing to your depression in brief doses while your therapist directs your eye movements.

Are You Ready to Try Counseling for Depression?

Now that you know about the benefits of counseling for depression, it’s time to sign up with a counselor.

If you’re looking to schedule an appointment with a counselor, contact us today.

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