
7 Signs You Could Benefit From Depression Counseling

4.7% of American adults experience regular feelings of depression. Are you one of them?

Many people think that depression is the default, but this isn’t true. If you’re experiencing depression, going to therapy can help. Depression counseling can teach you coping mechanisms and help you understand what you’re going through.

But how do you know if you need support for your depression? Read on to learn a few top signs.

1. Persistent Feelings of Sadness or Emptiness

It’s normal and human to feel sad sometimes. No one can feel happy and excited every day. However, someone who’s coping with depression will experience persistent and pervasive feelings of sadness, emptiness, and hopelessness.

They may feel as though there’s nothing to look forward to or be happy about, even if they’ve had an otherwise good day. Moments of joy will be brief and difficult to come by. Even major accomplishments may feel lackluster.

If you find yourself experiencing an ongoing sense of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness, it may be a sign of depression. Depression counseling can help you understand and manage these emotions and help you reach mental wellness again.

2. Loss of Interest or Motivation

Do you ever feel as though you no longer have any interests or hobbies? You used to enjoy all sorts of things, but nowadays you’re too tired or bored to do anything aside from scrolling on your phone.

What happened? You may be coping with depression.

If you have lost interest in activities, hobbies, or even social events that once brought you joy, and you struggle to find motivation or pleasure in life, depression counseling can help you regain your enthusiasm and reconnect with your interests.

You don’t have to give up on your hobbies. Getting your mental health back on track can help you get some of that precious motivation back.

3. Changes in Sleeping Habits and Patterns

The average adult needs to sleep for about seven to nine hours every night. It’s common to manage some level of sleep deprivation, but if your sleeping habits and patterns are changing, it may be a result of your mental health.

Significant changes in your sleep patterns, such as insomnia or excessive sleeping, can be indicators of depression. You may find yourself laying awake all night or waking up every few hours. You may also find yourself sleeping all day long but never feeling like you’ve gotten enough rest.

Depression counseling can address the underlying causes of these sleep disturbances and help restore healthy sleep patterns.

4. Difficulty With Concentration or Focus

Occasional bouts of poor focus are normal. However, you should still be able to complete your normal tasks and stay productive in school or at work. If you’re struggling consistently, it might be time to seek out counseling.

Poor concentration and focus can result from the previously-mentioned sleep changes. They can also result from depression alone. It’s not uncommon to experience bouts of brain fog when you’re chronically depressed.

Poor focus can get in the way of your day-to-day life. It can be frustrating and make it difficult for you to work or do things you enjoy. A good therapist can help you get it under control and they may be able to connect you with other resources for further help (such as an ADHD screening or antidepressant medications).

5. Social Withdrawal and Relationship Changes

Many people find themselves withdrawing from their relationships and social groups when they’re experiencing depression. This may be the result of shame, fatigue, or an urge to self-isolate with no obvious cause.

This will only make things worse. Humans benefit from having solid social groups that they can rely on. By isolating yourself, you’re making it more challenging to deal with your depression.

A therapist can help.

Counseling can help you understand and overcome the barriers to social engagement and rebuild meaningful connections. Even the act of talking to a counselor can fill your “social battery” somewhat, making it easier for you to socialize in other ways.

It’s okay to need alone time, but you should make sure you’re not isolating yourself from the people who care about you.

6. Weight or Appetite Changes

In cases of depression, it is not uncommon for people to lose interest in food, experience a low appetite, and then experience weight loss. They may have almost no desire to eat or have difficulties with meal planning and preparation. This can result in a noticeable decrease in body weight and nutritional deficiencies.

Even favorite foods may seem unappealing when someone is dealing with depression.

On the other hand, some people with depression may experience an increase in appetite and engage in emotional eating. They may seek comfort in food as a way to cope with their emotions. This can lead to weight gain.

A therapist can help you find the cause of your new eating habits and help you develop a plan to fix them.

7. Thoughts of Suicide or Self-Harm

This is the most serious sign that you should seek out a counselor for your depression.

Suicidal ideation and thoughts of self-harm are dangerous. Most people do not follow through with these thoughts, but it’s always a possibility. If you’ve thought about harming yourself, you need support.

If your thoughts are urgent, you may want to visit an emergency room. If not, make an appointment with a mental health counselor as soon as possible. You deserve to feel better.

Is Depression Counseling Right for You?

With these signs in mind, do you think it may be time for you to seek out depression counseling?

There’s no shame in seeking support for your mental health. A mental health counselor can help you understand what you’re going through and help you access the resources you need to feel better.

At Talking Circles Therapy & Wellness, you can speak to a qualified therapist so you can start working on your depression. Submit an appointment request today.

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